
The municipality endeavours to make its website accessible in accordance with section 12 of the Lower Austrian Anti-Discrimination Act 2017 implementing Directive (EU) 2016/2102 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 October 2016 on barrier-free access to the websites and mobile applications of public sector bodies (Official Journal L 327, 2.12.2016, p. 1).

This accessibility statement applies to the website

Status of compatibility with the requirements

The municipality is striving to adapt this website according to compliance level AA of the “Guidelines for Accessible Web Content Web – WCAG 2.1” or with the applicable European Standard EN 301 549 V2.1.2 (2018-08).

A corresponding evaluation process has been started and is expected to be completed by the end of 2020.

Preparation of this Accessibility Statement

This statement was prepared on 12.09.2020.

Feedback and contact details

The offers and services on this website are continuously improved, exchanged and expanded as described. Usability and accessibility are of great concern to us.

If you notice barriers that prevent you from using our website – problems or deficiencies with regard to compliance with accessibility requirements – please inform us by e-mail. We will review your request and contact you as soon as possible.

Please send all messages and suggestions to with the subject “Report a barrier in the website”. Please describe the problem and provide us with the URL(s) of the affected website or document.


Community of Semmering
Hochstrasse 1
2680 Semmering

Enforcement proceedings

In case of unsatisfactory answers from the above contact option, you can turn to the Ombudsman’s Office for Accessible Internet and Mobile Applications of the Federal Province by means of a complaint. The complaint will be examined to determine whether it is a violation of the provisions of Section 12 of the Lower Austrian Anti-Discrimination Act 2017 by organs of the province, the municipalities, the associations of municipalities and the self-governing bodies established by provincial law. If the complaint is justified, the ombudsperson’s office shall issue recommendations for action to the Land or the legal entities concerned and propose measures to remedy the deficiencies at hand. Further information on the complaints procedure can be found on the website of the Ombudsman’s Office for Accessible Internet and Mobile Applications….

Optional contents: Additional information and operating aids notes on operation: Page structure, navigation and orientation aids

In order to keep the content as accessible as possible, the pages follow a uniform structure. The navigation contains the following jump labels to the following page areas, some of which can also be reached via landmark roles:
  • Skip to content (Accesskey 1)
  • Jump to navigation (Accesskey 2)
  • Jump to subnavigation (Accesskey 3)
  • Jump to search (Accesskey 4)

Users of screen readers will find visually hidden additional information on the pages, for example information on link behaviour if the link does not open in the same window.

Explanation Accesskey

Search option

The search offers a full-text search for web page content and in documents. The search results are dynamically generated and output in the same page.

Speech marking and language

The default language is set for each web page. Within a website, we aim to mark all text passages in other languages accordingly.

Link behaviour

  • All links open in the same window and are not explicitly marked.
  • If, in exceptional cases, links open new windows, we try to mark this behaviour with the addition “opens in a new window” as a tool tip.
  • Links to internal documents contain the document format and size in the link title or it is next to the document name.


We strive to continuously improve accessibility in PDF documents as well, and to this end we are guided by the ISO standard PDF/UA in addition to the guidelines for accessible content. Barrier-free access to the content of all PDF documents according to PDF/UA cannot be fully provided. 

Please let us know by sending an e-mail to if you have any difficulties with documents. We will prepare the content barrier-free on request and subsequently exchange the documents or supplement them with barrier-free alternatives.