Semmering Regional Kindergarten, Lower Austria
Kindergarden Director
Nicole Stoier
Kindergarden supervisors
Cornelia Wittine & Melanie Zuser
Craft contribution
A monthly fee of € 16,50 is charged for handicrafts.
Hochstraße 38, 2680 Semmering
Tel.: +43 2664 2272
Here you can view and download the folder of our kindergarten
Primary school
The primary school in Semmering is closed until further notice. The children of the municipality of Semmering attend the primary school in Schottwien.
School bus
For the children of Semmering there is the possibility to be brought to school and picked up again by a shared taxi.
Further information is available directly from Taxi Melcher:
+43 664 9116190
Contact details primary school Schottwien
Hauptstraße 71
2641 Schottwien
+43 2663 8648
Website primary school Schottwien
Tourism Schools Semmering
Hochstraße 37
2680 Semmering
+43 2664 8192 0
+43 2664 8192 620
Website Tourism Schools Semmering
Public library of tourism schools Semmering
Opening hours
Monday: 8:00 – 9:40 a.m. , 11:45 a.m. – 12:35 p.m.
Wednesday: 8:50 – 10:35 a.m.
Thursday: 9:45 a.m. – 12:35 p.m.
Friday 8:50 – 9:40 a.m.
The library remains closed during the holidays.
Hochstraße 37, 2680 Semmering
Tel.: +43 2644 8192
Fax: +43 2664 8192620
Website Library