Environment & Sustainability
Focus on energy efficiency: Our municipality is a pioneer
Since 2013, the Lower Austrian Energy Efficiency Act has required municipalities to monitor their energy consumption through energy accounting. In order to improve the quality of energy accounting, the project “Energy.role model.municipalities” was launched in 2016. At the Energy & Environment Municipalities Day 2021 of the Lower Austrian Energy and Environment Agency, Semmering was one of 130 municipalities to receive the Energy.Role Model. award.
Long-term energy accounting as the key to success
The basis for receiving the award were comprehensive energy reports for the years 2016 to 2020, which include energy consumption of the municipal buildings and facilities as well as suggestions for energy improvements. The proposals are discussed in the municipal council in order to promote energy efficiency in the municipality.
Top support for every community
The county of Lower Austria, together with the Lower Austrian Energy and Environment Agency and the Lower Austrian Energy Advisory Service, provides support for reporting and data collection in the energy accounting programme, which is made available to the municipalities by the province free of charge.
New goals for climate change
Lower Austria was the first province to break down the state-wide climate targets to each municipality. Energy accounting is an important instrument for presenting the current status in achieving the 2030 municipal climate goals and planning and implementing measures based on this.
Each individual is also called upon: photovoltaic citizen participation or renewable energy communities are examples of how each and every individual can become active.

Deputy Governor Stephan Pernkopf and eNu Managing Director Herbert Greisberger congratulate E&UGR Gottfried Gabauer on being awarded the title of Energy.role model.municipality!
Semmering is Energy.role model.municipality
We received an award for our exemplary municipal energy report at the Lower Austrian Municipal Day 2021! I would like to thank our energy officer E&UGR Gottfried Gabauer for the exemplary preparation of the energy report, as well as all the municipal employees who are responsible for recording the energy consumption. With the support of the Energy and Environment Agency of the Province of Lower Austria, we will continue to ensure that the energy efficiency of our municipal buildings is increased in the future.
Yours sincerely,
Mayor Hermann Doppelreiter
Increase energy efficiency. Promote renewable energy.
The Lower Austrian Energy Efficiency Act 2012 stipulates that all municipalities must appoint at least one energy officer. In the municipality of Semmering, EGR Gottfried Gabauer takes over the agendas of the energy officer. In addition to the regular collection of energy data (heat, electricity, water) from heated municipal buildings, the main tasks include the preparation of an annual energy report and advising the municipality on the efficient use of energy and the reduction of energy consumption.
Lower Austria has set itself ambitious goals in the field of energy and climate. For example, 100 per cent of the electricity is to be covered by renewable energies by 2015 and half of the total energy demand is to be obtained from renewable sources by 2020.
The Lower Austrian municipalities, and in particular the energy commissioners, play a central role in achieving these goals.
Do you have a concern in the energy sector or would you like to get actively involved in the community?
Then contact EGR Gottfried Gabauer directly:
E-Mail: elektrotechnik.gabauer@speed.at
Mobile: 0664/773550002
Think globally - act locally
We are a Climate Alliance municipality
We have been a Climate Alliance municipality since 2000 and give climate protection a high priority in our municipality.
What is the Climate Alliance?
The Climate Alliance is a global network for climate protection. Communities, businesses, schools, kindergartens and parishes can join the network and make their contribution to a climate-friendly world. Under the motto “think globally, act locally”, both local climate protection projects are implemented and partner organisations in Brazil are supported in rainforest protection.
The vision of the Klimabündis network is a world in which climate protection is a matter of course, resources are distributed fairly and all people live in a socially, ecologically and economically responsible way. We as a community would like to contribute to this vision for the future of our children.
Our Climate Alliance goals
As a Climate Alliance municipality, we are involved in the largest municipal climate protection network in Europe and are committed to the two Climate Alliance goals:
- Reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the municipality.
- Protection of the rainforest, by supporting the indigenous partner organisations at the Rio Negro in Brazil
Nature in the garden
is a movement supported by the province of Lower Austria, which promotes the ecologisation of gardens and green spaces in Lower Austria and beyond its borders. The core criteria of the “Nature in the Garden” movement stipulate that gardens and green spaces are designed and maintained without synthetic chemical pesticides and fertilisers and without peat.
“Nature in the Garden”
(Natur im Garten GmbH and Natur im Garten Service GmbH)
Am Wasserpark 1
3430 Tulln
Tel.: +43 (0) 2272 / 61960